Create a Plan By You

Please take special note- Creating a Plan with a downloaded Bible will not allow for offline use

A great feature offered on is the ability to create a personalized plan, specially created by you, that can be shared with anyone! Follow the steps below to do this:

Step 1

To get started navigate to My Library and select the Plans subfolder. (Follow this same step to find saved Plans By You & Featured Plans you are following)

Step 2

Select the + to the top right corner.

Step 3

Give Your Plan a Name, a Start Date and assign it a specific Number of Days and Save.

Step 4

Add individual verses by navigating to your preferred Bible, tap and underline a verse. Select the + to add that verse to your existing plan. (Please note, this option may not be available on all Bible versions)


To add an entire chapter to your plan tap the three dots to the bottom left of the Chapter Detail and select Add to Playlist or Plan!


Step 5

Find and select your plan and add the individual verse or chapter to the preferred Day.  

Find and play a saved Plan By You

Navigate to My Library, third icon at the bottom, select the Plans subfolder and search 

Edit a Plan by You

Select on a Plan you have created and then Edit 

  • Select and drag to reorder days

  • Swipe to delete days

Add External Links to Plans By You

  • Copy the external link to add to a Plan by You

  • Select on a Plan you have created and then Edit

  • Choose a day you would like to add the external link to

  • Paste the external link and tap on the back arrow

  • Save your changes and X after all changes have been made

   Stop or Delete a Plan by You

Navigate to My Plans, swipe left to reveal the Stop and Delete (trash bin) options. 

Select the Stop button to restart your plan

Select the trash bin to delete

***Please take note, 

these actions are not 

reversible. Stopping and 

Deleting a plan are 

permanent changes***