Have you ever wanted to listen to Featured Playlists or Playlists Created by You in a different language or Bible translation? Here's how to do that! 

Changing Bible versions or the Language for Playlists with parallel audio, is simple and can be done by following these steps:

Step 1

From the main Discover page tap on "View All" next to Featured Playlists

Step 2

Tap on a Playlist and select "Change Bible or Language"

Step 3

In the Search bar enter your preferred language. Or English to find the full list of English Bible Translations such as KJV, NIV and others, then select the Bible you would like to listen to the Featured Playlist in      

Step 4

Select Save and tap on the Play Button to start listening in your favorite language or Bible version

Please note you will need to be logged in to Save a Plan and changes made